Religion belongs in the religious institutions and in your heart, and should stay there not in politics. Many people choose their political leader according to their religious beliefs, not what’s best for their country. We shouldn’t base our opinions on such minor facts. A good leader comes from the inside not from his religious background. Take
When discussing religion you come across many ideas, some of which may be for the best, and others may be for the worse. I support religion but only to certain limits. I don’t think religion is a waste of time but, I don’t think it really should take much of our space in our daily life. Religion offers many different benefits for many different people. It reaches out and grabs some and gives them something to live and die for. But we shouldn’t really base our lives on religion. As some philosophers say “Tomorrow might be the end for us so why not make the most our of today.” I totally agree with this statement. In my opinion all religions are essentially the same in their goal of developing a good human heart so that we may become better human beings but that’s it, nothing less and nothing more.
To go back to the bad side of religion, countless assassinations have been linked to religion. The bombings in
Rousseau agreed with civil religion. This religion taught love of country, obedience to the state and martial values. That is what should be called religion! Rousseau thought that the religion of the man is unorganized which is true because, as he said, it only focuses on the worship of God. Rousseau also thought that he could reach God without going to church which I agree with because God is everywhere, not only in church, but wherever you are if you are praying from your heart. I’m sure it will reach God. One statement Rousseau said that drew my attention was: “Everything that destroys social unity is worthless; and all institutions that set man at odds with himself are worthless.” I agree with this statement since religion divides society and categorizes people. Something else he said was: “Tolerance should be granted to all religions that will grant it to others.” This is the key to a peaceful state: tolerance of one another’s beliefs and views.
I am a religious person and I do believe in God. I have my values, which I respect and follow. I respect every religion and I love to hear about them. We shouldn’t bury ourselves underneath religious explanations since we were born to use our minds. Therefore, we should use them to discover the real truth behind unknown facts. But I do have some questions that I wonder about such as: What do people look for in religion? Do they look for guidance, beliefs, reason, or do they look for help? Why do we seem to like to define ourselves with labels? If we want others to know what we are, why not show them? Show them through action. It is believed that actions speak louder than words. Why do we insist on holding on to such outdated beliefs? These questions will keep on running in my head until I find the answers some day. I hope one day people will wake up and realize that we are all equal. We are all one and we all deserve the best. Until that day, I can’t but keep on hopping that my words would hit the hearts of the people around me!