Based on the financial edition of Britannica it is stated that in our highly specialized modern economy money is as necessary in the exchange of goods and services as language is in the exchange of ideas. It is indispensable as it directly affects our standard of living and well being. But don’t let money get to you and control you, you should always be the one in control.
In this day and age, these two subjects Love and Money are at war with each other. How many families, because of the need of money, have very little time left over to exchange love? How many of us find ourselves time after time, having to choose between what comes first love or money? True money facilitates our lives in offering a better education, security, and support as well as a better future but some just think money buys happiness and respect when in fact it buys a lot less.

Some people don’t know how to spend money. Take Lebanon as an example, according to statistics 68.5% of the people depend on materialistic things. How many people are striving to get on with their life and have the latest Nokia phone?
Or instead of saving up some cash to spend it wisely but unfortunately end up spending it in one night clubbing in Monot? Money might buy you happiness that night but who really cares the next day? Do you think men are satisfied? Instead of planning a future they always want more and more. It is not really your fault if you turn out like that. Elementary school should have had some form of class in how to spend and save money, or stock clubs in order to invest and understand how money works.
People pass through many difficult stages regarding money issues especially when it comes to marriage. Some are obliged by their parents to choose wealthy partners taking in no consideration to the meaning of Love. Others are blindly fooled that wealthy partners are the key to their happiness. Love is the most powerful positive emotion. It is the main ingredient of life. It gives you a reason to carry on. When a relationship is based on money it can end easily coz if the money is gone which there is a 50% chance it will, it’s over.

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