Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Picture...Our Picture

We are all influenced by others. Some are our heroes, some are our parents, and some are both. We are shown how to act, and how to react. The people in our childhood plant the seeds of our beliefs and values, hoping that they will grow into a healthy and complete self. We are also vulnerable to the detrimental pieces of selves that surround us daily. An abundance of these pieces can lead to the formation of an adequate self. A picture with missing pieces and broken edges. The self is a jigsaw-puzzle, a combination of different selves that form into a bigger picture. Some pieces will be lost, others will be found, but in the end a picture is always produced. The picture of our values. The picture of our beliefs. The picture, so unique one no else can replicate it. The picture of who we are and what we are. The picture of our selves.

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Daddy's little girl by Georgina watson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.